Two monks went to the temple. One prayed different prayers, and the other went and said, "Come, let us worship and fall to Christ."
"Why don't you say different prayers, but only one: "come, let's worship...." ? .....
“I call all my senses to glorify Christ! "
Joint prayer on the Holy Mount with the cave elders of the Holy Mount Simeon, Elijah, Porphyry and the prayer man Oleg helps you perceive your life as a ministry.
Service to God and man!
              And be responsible for your existence and for those around you.
Wherever you live, whatever you do: service, love and responsibility!
Fullness of life is where there is trust in God!
Children of God, loving the Holy Mountain - are people awakened by Heaven and in love with Eternity! And their believing heart will surely see the face of Christ, looking lovingly into the face of their neighbor.
And the meaning, the great meaning, is found in your soul if, through all the thickness of your life, through all the difficulties and temptations, through suffering and pain, you carry into your heart this inspired exclamation of the Apostle Thomas:
"Oh my God! And my God! "

Oleg Olteniev
