38.machenici1What does a man need to not murmur? What should I give you to make you happy? Turn on the fantasy. Here you are settled on an island in the Caribbean Sea, given you a yacht, a house of the month for three free and a drink-eat what you want. Will you be happy there? Only two days. And then? And then - the sand is prickly, the sun is hot, the pineapple is tasteless, the motor is jammed in the boat... It will start



′′ Do you live badly? - Buy a goat. There is such an old Jewish joke. He came to the rabbi ′′ sufferer ", complaining: ′′ Lord, have mercy. A small house, a bunch of children, an old woman-mother in her arms, nothing to breathe, nowhere to live..."′′ And buy a goat", says the rabbi. - ′′ What a goat?"-′′ Real! Which is backing, which can be milking..."-′′ Where should I put this goat?"-′′ Yes, right to your house and nut. Then you'll see what happens ". ′′ Suffer ′′ bought a goat, lives. Everything, as it was, it remained: old mother, children, there is nothing to breathe, and there is nowhere to live, and the goat is still beating, she wants to milk. Again the ′′ sufferer ′′ goes to the rabbi: ′′ I'm going to go crazy with this kind of life! I'll hang myself!.. What to do?"-′′ Sell the goat ". He sold and resorts to the rabbi again: ′′ What a beauty! How good without a goat!"

Buy a goat, murmur. Do you live badly? Do you want to get sick? If you have cancer, will you be better? Or if you break your leg or break your car or your loved one will leave you? Or if your neighbors are pouring on top? Do you want problems? Who wants problems, murmur on health. God will give you problems and you will be happy: ′′ God, how good it was before. And yesterday was so wonderful!" ′′ Happiness was so possible..."
My friends, you cannot murmur. We live in a uniquely fed world. Uniquely beautifully dressed in the world. We live in a healthy, comfortable world in which individual rights are respected. No one will drag us to slave jobs forcibly. No one will force us to do what we don't want. We will be played, and any policeman who warms you with a baton on your head in good times will say: ′′ Dear citizen, please provide documents. Please, come here ". Otherwise, they will not talk to us - they are afraid. Everyone is afraid that they will have to answer. So what are you murmuring, what do you want?!

What does a man need to not murmur? What should I give you to make you happy? Turn on the fantasy. Here you are settled on an island in the Caribbean Sea, given you a yacht, a house of the month for three free and a drink-eat what you want. Will you be happy there? Only two days. And then? And then - the sand is prickly, the sun is hot, the pineapple is tasteless, the motor is jammed in the boat... It will start again. Everything will be bad again. Everything is bad for a bad person. Everything is fine for a good man.
I listen to confessions, conversations, whining listening to things from morning to evening. Like any priest, I'm tired of whining. Why don't you thank God? Why do you come to the Church even, to this holy house of God, the Gates of Heaven, the Stairs of James, to complain and whine? Why at the foot of the Stairs of James continue: ′′ Give me this!.. Give me that!.." Why don't you thank me? Gratitude is the best cure for discouragement. It's a good gift. We need to teach people on confessions and sermons: ′′ Stop asking! Give thanks, praise God ". Just think how we live?!

We are all competent. Eating good. For our ancestors to eat like this! If our ancestors stood up from coffins and sat down at our table and looked at the pickles we eat, they would say: ′′ Well, brothers, you live in heaven!" If they climbed into the tub, straightened their feet under hot water And in soap foam they rested for half an hour or turned on TV, some song listened to... they would tell you: ′′ What did you deserve such a magnificent life?! But we are in IX, X, XI, XV, XVIII... We lived in a completely different way for centuries, and we did not murmur. We were biting the dryer and rejoicing ".

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev


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