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With and without oil


Lenten recipes without oil (water based)



Lentils, buckwheat, carrots (1/2 cup of all), the 2-3 pieces of bread centered, to taste leeks, onions, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, vegeta seasoning.

The lentils are boiled for 30 minutes (it should be firm) and then strained. Wash the buckwheat, boil in a little bit of water (enough to cover), throw out the first water; the second boil should be seasoned with salt; it is done when water is completely soaked by buckwheat. The carrots may be steamed or boiled (if you’re using leeks, then it’s the same step as the carrots). The vegetables are finely diced, mixed with the buckwheat and lentils (if you do not use buckwheat then rice or millet may be substituted) add the dried bread and season to taste. Mix the contents well and let stand in order to soak in extra liquid. Form mixture into round meatballs or kebabs. Place them on baking sheet with flour (you may substitute with corn meal or bread crumbs) and bake in a pre-heated oven of 200 C for 40 minutes to an hour.


4-5 Potatoes
250 Grams crushed walnuts
1-2 tablespoons tomato paste
1-2 tablespoons mustard
½ lemon freshly squeezed lemon
Salt, pepper, finely diced garlic and onion to taste

Peel the potatoes and boil as if to make mashed potatoes; after boil, separate from water but do not discard water since it will be used for mashing the potatoes. Mash the potatoes and add walnuts and other ingredients. Mix with mixer and season to taste.


200-250 grams baked chic peas should be finely ground in coffee grinder. Add mustard, salt, juice from ½ of a lemon, warm water to bring consistency to pâté. You should finish the humus with mashed garlic to taste.



Basis for creamy soup:
4-5 potatoes
2 tablespoons tahini
Juice from ½ of a lemon
Salt, pepper, parsley

The peeled potatoes should be boiled in water just enough to cover them in the pot. When they are finished, they should be removed from water and left to cool. Place in cooled potatoes in blend with 1-cup cold water, tahini, and lemon juice. Blend and slowly add water in which potatoes were boiled only to obtain consistency of creamy soup. Then boil soup and add salt, pepper, and parsley to taste.

This is a basic recipe for creamy soup. You may use various combinations: potato + carrots, potato + mushroom, potato + peas, potato + spinach, potato + leeks, potato + broccoli etc.


1-2 Carrots
½ kilograms spinach
1/3 horseradish
1/3 celery root
Salt, Pepper, Vegeta

The carrots, horseradish, and celery root are diced and boiled in a little bit of water. Near the end of you add more water (liter and a half to two liters), let it boil, add chopped spinach oat groats and boil for 5-6 minutes. Add salt, pepper, and vegeta to taste.

This recipe may substitute ingredients: Broccoli, potato, cauliflower etc. Instead oat groats, you can use egg-less noodles, or other Lenten pasta or rice.


3-4 Boiled or baked beets
1-2 fresh carrots

2 tablespoons tahini
1-tablespoon mustard
Warm, boiled water
A little bit of lemon juice
Salt to taste

The peeled beets and carrots should be grated in large pieces. The dressing ingredients should be mixed well to an even consistency, add salt to taste. You may add finely chopped garlic (old or new) or onions. Top the salad with the dressing.

This dressing may be used for other salads. Also, you may use vinegar instead of the lemon juice. For potato salads, you may use tomato paste.


200-300 grams of boiled green beans or broccoli
1-2 Boiled carrots
Add boiled vegetables to your taste:
Canned peas or boiled, Canned corn or boiled.

The green beans or broccoli are chopped in large pieces, add 100 grams cubed carrots and peas or corn. Add dressing described in beet salad above.


4-5 Potatoes
1 medium lettuce 

Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, and dice in thin wheels. The lettuce should be dried well in a towel, finely diced, mixed with the potato and topped with dressing described above


1 Kilograms of Broccoli
5 liters of water + 50 grams of salt + 3 Grams limontus

Ingredients for Marinade:
1 and ½ cuts vinegar, 2 and ½ cups water, ½ Tablespoon sugar, 20 peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, and 1 Tablespoon salt.

Boil the broccoli in water with the ingredients for 6-7 minutes, strain, and put in glass bowl. Put the marinade ingredients in pot and boil. While it’s still hot, pour over the broccoli and left to cool without cover. After it’s been cool, you can refrigerate. You can eat as side dish for fish or meatballs.




250-300 Grams macaroni
2-3 tablespoons diced walnuts
4-5 tablespoons of sugar
1-2 tablespoons of honey
3-4 tablespoons of coconut
½ Lenten cooking chocolate

Boil the macaroni as you would for any other use with a little bit of salt. Right after you strain, add the honey so they won’t stick together and mix. Right after this, add the sugar, walnuts, and coconuts. These ingredients are gently mixed and in the end add the Lenten chocolate that has been melted on water.



1/3 liters of water
15 tablespoons of sugar
6 tablespoons soymilk powder
250 grams cream of wheat
You may add 50 grams of coconuts to taste

1-liter water
3 packets of instant chocolate pudding (Lenten)
100 grams of cooking chocolate
12 tablespoons of sugar
6 tablespoons of soymilk powder

1/3 liters of water should be boiled with 15 tablespoons of sugar, add 6 tablespoons of the soymilk powder, while slowly adding 250 grams of the cream of wheat on low heat for about 5 minutes. While it is still hot, put in medium cooking pan. In 800 milliliters water put 6 tablespoons soymilk powder. While it begins to boil, on the side mix 3 instant pudding packets with 12 tablespoons sugar in 200 grams of cold water, after which it’s added to the boiled water. Boil together for 2-3 minutes. While it’s still hot add 100 grams Lenten cooking chocolate. While hot, pour on top of the warm cream of wheat. You may add coconut or cinnamon on top. After it cools, place in refrigerator. After cold, cut in cubes and serve.


6 tablespoons jam
10 tablespoons sugar
1 bag of cinnamon
Rind from one lemon and orange, plus the juice of the orange
1-tablespoon baking soda, plus baking powder
500 grams of flour
¼ liters warm water
1 hand of diced walnuts (you may add raisins and/or dates)

Marmalade from apricots
150 grams Lenten cooking chocolate

The jam and sugar are mixed in mixer to obtain even consistency, then broken down with some water and cinnamon. The rind from the lemon and orange, the orange juice, walnuts, raisins, are added. Also, slowly fold in flour mixed with baking powder and soda. Obtain even consistency and then pour into Teflon pan. The mix should not be too firm, and top of mix should be made even with damp hand. It should be placed in pre-heated oven to medium heat and baked for 25-30 minutes; to determine whether it is baked, insert toothpick. Turn oven off and leave cake inside for a couple of more minutes. While warm, the cake is covered with 3 tablespoons of the apricot marmalade left at room temperature, and then on top you drizzle chocolate glaze.


100 Grams sugar, plus one cup of water
1 Tablespoon baking soda
2 Tablespoons honey
250 Grams sugar
500 Grams flour (300 Grams flour, plus 100 Grams Coconut, plus 100 Grams Cream of Wheat)

Bring cup of water to a boil and condense sugar to syrup, add baking soda, honey, sugar and flour. Mix well, and pour onto baking sheet, covered in a little bit of flour and bake. Cover the cooled cake with a syrup glaze, caramel, or cocoa dressing. Also, before you bake, you add figs, dates, prunes, or raisins to the mixture. 


1-Cup flour
1-Cup wheat groats
1-Cup Oat flakes
1-Cup diced dates
1-Cup diced dried figs
1-Cup raisins
1-Cup grated carrots
1-Cup coconut
1-Cup chopped walnuts
Grated apple or apple juice or any other juice to help mix
Vanilla, sugar, cinnamon
Mix well and shape into long, salami-like figures. Bake on high (up to 200 C) at least 40 minutes in pre-heated oven.

Suggesting: The ingredients are open to preference, just make sure that if you substitute that other ingredients works well with substitute. The figures will bake better if they are thinner. After they cool, you may spread jam on them or pour chocolate drizzle. 




300 Grams flour
200 Grams margarine
100 Grams sugar
Juice and rind from 1 lemon
Vanilla sugar

For the filling:
1 Kilogram of apples (no more)
4-5 tablespoons sugar
½ packets of cinnamon or 1 tablespoon

Make hole in the flour and pour in sugar, and all ingredients, in the end put the margarine in little pieces but not melted. Mix the batter, and it is suggested to let it 1 hour in the refrigerator. Make 2 balls, from which you make 2 layers. The cooking pan should be covered with margarine, and place the first layer, then pour the filling (you may put wheat groats or cream of wheat in apple filling. Also, make sure apples are strained prior to pouring). Afterwards, place the second layer; make holes with fork on top layer on many spots and bake for 30-35 minutes at 200 C.


350 Grams flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
Juice and rind from 1 – 2 lemons
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
200 Grams margarine
1 small cube of yeast
A pinch of salt
1 small bag baking powder and Vanilla sugar

For Filling:
200 Grams crush walnuts
200 Grams sugar
3-4 Tablespoons warmed marmalade from apricots
150 Grams Lenten cooking chocolate for glaze

Mixture should be made into elastic dough, wrapped in plastic wrap, and placed in refrigerator for half an hour. Afterwards, cut into three parts and kneaded into thin layers once after another. After you finish the first layer, place in pan that is covered with 1-2 Tablespoon warmed marmalade, pour with crushed walnuts and sugar. Place the second layer on top of this, and repeat. Do not put anything on top of third layers, rather put holes in a few places with a fork. Put into pre-heated oven at 200 C and bake for 30 minutes. Afterwards, while it is still hot pour glaze, let cool and serve. 


Lenten biscuits 500-600 Grams
3-4 Tablespoons orange marmalade
2-3 Tablespoons apricot marmalade

Lenten chocolate - 100 Grams for glaze

400 Grams sugar
5-6 Tablespoons non-dairy creamer
1-Liter water
3 bags instant vanilla
200 Grams margarine
1 vanilla sugar
200 Grams halta

2-3 Tablespoons Nescafe in 1-cup warm water

First you make the cream: On the side prepare 1 Liter hot water with the non-dairy creamer. On low heat, brown 400 Grams of sugar, until it caramelizes. Right after, remove from heat and mixed, slowly the prepared hot milk. While preparing, you may get some foam, this is normal; if this happens, stop for a very short period, but then begin mixing again.  For there to be no lumps, while mixing you should have pot over low heat for 5-10 minutes. When the sugar is completely melted, remove the pot from the oven and then pour the puddings (prepared with a little water). Place back on heat and boil for a few minutes, or until it thickens. It should be thick enough so that it doesn’t pour easily. In the cooled cream, add the margarine that was whipped with sugar previously. Afterwards, add the mixed halta (if the cream is softer, then do not pour all of the halta, only a spoonful or two to taste)

Afterwards you prepare a spread: The marmalade is warmed on low heat and stirring. It should become a semi-liquid consistency. Then it is mixed with the orange marmalade. 

Before you place the biscuits, you soak each one by one in the Nescafe made in water. Place in three layers, between each layer you should put a thin layer of the spread, and then on top of the spread, you should place the cream. At the end you place the cream over the whole cake. On top of the cream you put the glaze. The cake should spend 1 night in the refrigerator.



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