MOYA(Macedonian Orthodox Youth of Australia) Seminar, 2011
The temptations in the modern world and the Orthodox Psychotherapy
Join us in celebrating our 5 year anniversary.
When the body, as consisting of many parts, becomes ill, it has the need for various medicines… The soul, on the other hand, being incorporeal, is simple and not complex, and when it becomes ill, only one medicine can help it — that is the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (St. Simeon the New Theologian).
We are looking forward to seeing you there.
When: 10th September
8am -10am Liturgy
12pm-16pm Lecture with our special guest about "the temptations in the modern world
and the Orthodox Psychotherapy".
Cost : Free. All Welcome.
Location: Monastery St Prohor Pchinski
130 Spring Rd (off Donnybrook Rd)
Donnybrook- VIC
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Please let us know if you are coming.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Fr. Gavril